State of the Industry 2019: Mental Health in the Game Industry

This white paper explores video game workers’ experiences and challenges in the game development industry, taking a close look at how game development companies can mitigate negative impacts and cultivate healthy, productive employees who can make great games.
Types of Diversity in the Workplace You Need to Know

Diversity encompasses the qualities and characteristics that distinguish individuals from one another. Some common characteristics that signify diversity in the workplace might include gender identity, race and sexuality—but there are many more characteristics and experiences that people can bring to their work that employers and HR teams should be aware of.
Support for New Parents Can Keep Employees On Board

Having a child is one of life’s greatest transitions, even if you’ve done it before. Returning to work afterward can be a crossroad in an employee’s career and life. If employers don’t provide enough support during this time, they could lose some of their best talent to an organization that does.
Workplace Well-Being

Workplace Wellbeing relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, their working environment, the climate at work and work organization. The aim of measures for workplace well-being is to complement OSH measures to make sure workers are safe, healthy, satisfied and engaged at work.
Join Level Up Mental Health

Safe In Our World is challenging all companies within the video games industry to unite and commit to change. The worlds we create are a refuge for many, but we must consider our teams and the impact our industry has on their lives. We’re asking the entire video games industry to #LevelUpMentalHealth within their workplaces, ensuring that the environment is safe and supportive for their team’s mental health at all times.
How To Avoid Video Game Development Crunch

Last week we revealed the Best Places To Work in the UK: a timely reminder that not all games developers are suffering. Within those group of winners, a large proportion of them boasted about “zero-crunch policies” and “avoiding crunch at all costs”. So we asked a few of them if they’d be willing to share with the world their advice on preventing crunch from happening.
10 Ways Companies Can Be More Family-Friendly

Family-friendly policies, such as paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks and childcare, are not a reality for most new parents around the world.
Parents need time and support to give their children the best start in life. So what can business do? Here are 10 ways businesses can help create a more family-friendly workplace.
Signs Of a Toxic Work Culture—And How To Correct Them

If you look at teams that are happy, engaged, and doing their best work, they typically have one thing in common—they work in a healthy and supportive work environment.
But the opposite is also true, and a toxic work culture can not only cause serious issues for your team—but serious issues for your business.
How to Deal With HR Issues of Discrimination

Discrimination complaints can be particularly costly to a small business, which is not always equipped with the legal resources to deal with such issues. Defending a formal charge of discrimination involves a significant amount of time, expense and attorney fees and can damage the company’s reputation, affecting your ability to recruit talent in the future. Your small business can prevent these incidents by implementing policies to prevent discrimination at all levels of the organization and promptly investigating any allegations of discrimination.
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint At Work

Plenty of opportunities to save energy and enhance your workplace experience exist. No matter your title or role, you can help make your workplace a little greener and reduce emissions that are contributing to climate change.